Down the Rabbithole I go...

Dave in Wonderland.png

I've spent a lot of time going down the rabbit hole.

Finding a string and pulling it to see where it goes.

Sometimes it leads somewhere very cool, opening up thoughts and possibilities that I just would not have found otherwise.

Often, it's time I cannot get back. 🤣

And it just unravels a load of shit.

That can be a little frustrating, but it's something that I try to address.

(I even wrote in my journal this morning about letting go of distraction)

What are my options?

Well, I could stop looking at anything outside of my "bubble" and refuse to let anything in.

Or I could just embrace the damn thing and see where it goes.

The solution, I suspect, is one that sits somewhere between the two.

On that fancy flexible continuum of "just right", which is often saved for porridge and beds.

I'm actually quite enjoying exploring this, because it feels like the "right" rabbit hole, and maybe there's a clue in that.

Maybe the defining factor here is the rabbit hole I want, not the one that we feel we should be exploring or the one we are told to explore.

I may be gone a while.

Dave James