Why the container is not as important as what it contains.

I sent this out to my email list recently and I wanted to share it here.

It probably gives you an idea of where my thought process is heading around marking for healthcare businesses and the content they produce.

When you buy a can of something (insert your favourite canned produce here) what are you buying?

Are you buying the can?

Or are you buying what's inside?

To be honest, you're actually buying how the product makes you feel. 

Yeah, sorry about that.

Let me give you an example - a can of soup is there to stop you from being hungry. 

If it tastes nice and it looks good then it's a bonus, but ultimately the problem that is being solved is hunger.

You buy the soup because it stops you from being hungry.

But Dave, I don't sell soup, so what does all this ^^ have to do with my business? Well, let me explain...

When it comes to marketing our business, we spent a huge amount of time making the marketing look pretty. 

Making it look great and pleasing to the eye. Making it stand out so that people come along and pick us.

All this visual stuff does help, but really it's just the container, and that doesn't solve the patient's problem.

The real power is in what the container has inside of it. The product. The thing. The treatment or service that makes the difference.

Or - as I am leaning towards more and more at the moment - the story.

The story that connects the dots between them, their problem, you and your understanding of their problem and the solution.

Telling that story is a powerful thing.

And while it won't get you patients quickly, it will certainly get you the right ones over time.

Storytelling and how it relates to the marketing content you produce is always part of the conversation with the clients I work closely with. 

Why? Well, it sets them apart from others and really helps to connect them with their ideal clients.

If you want to have a conversation about how this can work in your business then let me know.

Stay safe and speak soon.


Dave James