How do you fill a jug?

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How do you fill a jug?

One drop at a time.

Well duh! That's a bit obvious innit?

Maybe it is.

And you could be right.

But I see so many people trying to fill the jug in one go, instead of taking some time to do it one drop at a time.

People look towards the end point (a full jug, for example) and give themselves shit when they are not there.

I'm not good enough.

I know nothing.

I'm crap.

Etc, etc.

But what if the aim was not to fill the jug, but to spend time with each and every drop.

One step.

One post.

One marketing or business activity.

Feel the success of each individual one.

And remember - all those drops fill the jug eventually.

If you struggle with any of this then give me a shout and let’s have a conversation.

Dave James