Leading a mindfulness practice

If you’d have said to me a few years ago “Dave, you’ll be delivering a mindfulness session (or two) at a conference in 2021…”, the chances are that I would have laughed at you.

Yet, there I was over the weekend, sat in front a a group of people, inviting them to join me and guiding them through a mindfulness exercise.

There’s a coachy word that would be used to describe that - edgy.

And yes, it was.

Because you don’t know how it’s going to be received and if it will even work.

There’s also a fair degree of physiology that was acting up before hand too.

(Which I won’t describe here)

For someone that started off as a clinical person, it all feels a bit strange (but totally right too).

Care assistant to A&E nurse to Podiatrist.

And now - via running my own business, management, teaching and a fair degree of “life” stuff - coaching.

That journey continues.

I thought my coaching was all about the business and marketing stuff.

Helping people to grow a practice.

To make more money.

When actually it was more about helping them to find them, and then build from there.

(The journey I am on, obviously)

I have been scared to put that out to the world.

To be totally visible with the journey I am on.

For someone who is happy to share a lot of deeper stuff, that seems weird, but y’know…

Leading those sessions on the Friday and Saturday felt right, and felt like the beginning of the next stage of my journey.

One that I will be showing more.

(Maybe over sharing too… 🤣)

Dave James